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"I was in a pretty bad accident. The 2004 pickup truck I was driving was t-boned. It was a complete loss. I was very fortunate and was able to walk away from the accident! Bruised, battered, and shaken up. No question about it. The other remarkable part of this story is that I have had 6 spinal surgeries a lumbar fusion at L 3-4. I also have severe Osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease in my spine as well as Osteoarthritis in my left hip. I have been going to Roberta Ashby of Main Body Works for Myofascial Release for over a year at this point. I credit these treatments with keeping me strong and flexible enough that I am able to work part-time, garden, ride my horse and just generally be reasonably active for a 62-year-old with considerable arthritis. As it turns out I was on my way to an appointment with Roberta when the accident happened. I called her to let her know that I was not going to be able to make it while all the time thinking 'I could sure use a treatment right now.' I could feel my low back starting to go into spasm and guarding as happens to susceptible tissues after a traumatic accident I just knew I was going to be in a lot of pain once the adrenaline wore off! Roberta asked if she could do anything. I told her I needed a ride home as I couldn't get ahold of my husband. No Problem! She came, picked me up, took me home, AND gave me a Myofascial Release treatment. The spasm and guarding were gone! I won't lie I was definitely more sore than usual for the next week but nothing like what usually happens after this type of accident. I am seeing a chiropractor as well as receiving Myofascial Release and using God's medicine in the form of essential oils. No pain medicines with their awful side effects were needed! When this mud dries up I will be back on my horse and in the garden in a much shorter amount of time than is usually required to heal up from this type of trauma. Thank you to Roberta and everyone at Main Body Works!!" - Ronda
"Hi, my name is Debbie. I had applied for a life insurance policy and had to have a preliminary blood test. The results of that blood test indicated that I had elevated liver enzymes. I never felt like there was anything wrong with me, however after a couple of years and a couple more blood tests I had a liver biopsy performed. The results of this biopsy showed that I had Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. This diagnosis was a life-changing experience as I was informed of it on Christmas Eve and informed that I could have a life expectancy of 5 years. I started to see the head doctor over the liver transplant center at KU Medical Center, as I was told there is no cure for PBC. I was seen twice a year for monitoring by this doctor. I did reading on natural remedies and did perform coffee enemas for some time and that helped lower the liver enzymes. I started doing a weekly Ionic Detox Footbath which I believe has and continues to help with my condition. I do still see a liver transplant doctor for a yearly check-up, which is a result of how well my enzymes have gone down and that a fibro-scan which would indicate scarring of the liver, this scan indicated the liver was not getting any worse and was basically the same as my original biopsy. My liver enzymes were at one point over 700 and my last blood test showed they are at 154 (the high side of the normal range being 138)" - Debbie
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